Tuesday, January 29, 2008

One Kennedy yes, the other....????

I think Caroline Kennedy's endorsement of Barack Obama in the op-ed section of Sunday's New York Times is one of the most important endorsements of any Presidential candidate in a long time. She's not a politician, does not like "fame", doesn't spend time in public.....

...so for her to write what she did, I'm standing up and taking notice.

Meanwhile, Ted Kennedy?

Not so much.......it was funny to see Obama and Kennedy talking and smiling during the President's entry tonight for the SOTU address.

Then, even funnier a few minutes later, was the camera shot of Hillary Clinton, who, if looks could kill, we'd all be dead.

P.S.----Didn't watch much of Bush's speech; he's a lame duck. He could ask for everything and know it can't happen but he looks good.

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