Monday, December 04, 2006

Glenn Beck Show, November 30, 2006---the transcript (blog catch-up, part 3)

Want to know the real reason President Amhadinejad (aka President Tom, aka Scary Doofus) wrote "a letter to the American people"?

Want to know why political correctness is corrupting us (the U.S.)? Why are we so scared to call out the nutjob extremist Islamofacists that truly do want to destroy Israel and Western Civilization (if you don't think so, I suggest a Reader's Digest study of the history of Islam and Christianity, the battles of the past, and the rise of today's extremists, which arguably had their coming out party at the Munich Olympics in 1972 with the world watching....)??

Why are we (the U.S.) stupid enough to think we're invincible?

Read the first half of THIS transcript, in case you missed the 11/30 Glenn Beck Show on Headline News.

You oughta watch Beck sometimes (7p, 9p, and midnight eastern)....yeah, you might give up an edition or two of Jeopardy!, but you might be smarter after watching Beck rather than Alex!!

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