Wednesday, March 20, 2013

30 Years Ago---March 19, 1983.....

So, the actual game was played on March 18th, but on the west coast, and, thanks to the then-magic of "tape delay", the parts of the game that mattered most.....and that I saw....were show on 3/19.

Now, with THAT technicality out of the way........:)

I went to bed that Friday night knowing N.C. State played its first NCAA Tournament game in Oregon in the West Region against that powerhouse Pepperdine.  I was confident and hopeful to awaken Saturday to hear that they had, again, survived and advanced.

I woke up in the middle of the night instead....about 1:30....

...and since the CBS "tape-delay" broadcast began at 11:30, that meant the game was still on.  So, I get up, turn on my awesome black and white TV, and, much to my surprise and shagrin, we were LOSING.

In what would, of course, become the "State Standard" of this March, the Wolfpack frantically came back, tied the game, sent it to overtime, then forced a second overtime, before FINALLY picking up the 69-67 win.

So, by a little after 2am, I turned off the TV, crawled back into bed, and rested very, very well.  But not until I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief.

Up next was a date with 28-2 UNLV on Sunday afternoon.  :)

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