Friday, December 03, 2010


So, I sit here in darkness. The girls are at Starbucks visiting a friend before she moves away (what is it about wifey and her BFF's? They all move away eventually.) The boys are dueling, and let's just say "Friday Night at the Yu-Gi-Oh" isn't my cup of tea.

This is my first Friday night at home since September 3rd. I hate it.

This is the worst Friday night of the year. Every year. What Friday, you ask?

The first Friday that I DON'T have a high school football game to cover.

I was TRULY blessed in 2010, in that we had good weather every Friday, so no "Monday makeup" games, plus the radio station where I call the Patrick Henry games was able to put together a package for another county team when they proceeded into the playoffs. That extended my "season" for two weeks, delaying this inevitable night...

....until now.

It's 9:30 and I'm ready for bed. No high school highlights to wait for. The state semifinals are tomorrow afternoon. Robbie's alma mater has to play in Virginia Beach and if I had money, he and I would hit the road to root for the Herm.

But, as I approach the end of my 15th month of unemployment (save these few football games), who's got money?

Alas, all the more reason to go to bed.

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