Saturday, July 18, 2009

Page 16: Government ends private health care

No...the Federal Government doesn't want control over your life. No way!


The Libs in Congress, I would've thought, would have tried to bury this provision a little deeper than just PAGE 16 of the 1,018 page Obama Death Care Bill.

It just proves they think you and I are robot morons who will do whatever they want you to. I can hear Nancy Pelosi now....

"They're so busy wagging teabags and listening to talk radio, they won't make it to page 16."

Investors Business Daily has. Click the title for the truth on death care.


  1. Hey there-- I'm sure there's plenty to quibble about in the healthcare bill, but this page 16 stuff is fantasy.

    The bill says that existing insurance that you get through your employer has to meet the same standards as other plans offered through the new exchange. (Those are largely private insurance plans, and maybe a government-run public plan.)

    Here's a link to the bill:

    And here's the relevant text:

    (b) Grace Period for Current Employment-based Health Plans-


    (A) IN GENERAL- The Commissioner shall establish a grace period whereby, for plan years beginning after the end of the 5-year period beginning with Y1, an employment-based health plan in operation as of the day before the first day of Y1 must meet the same requirements as apply to a qualified health benefits plan under section 101, including the essential benefit package requirement under section 121.

  2. Oops - that link won't stay functional for some reason. To find the bill and the electronic text of page 16, search here (by bill number) for H.R.3200 and click on "Sec. 102 Protecting the choice to keep current coverage."

    Also -- check out my blog post on the topic at !

  3. Double oops. I mean search here:
