Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Here's the email message I just sent my two Senators regarding Cap and Trade......

Senator ___________:

Now is the time for true leaders to stand up and announce that the current direction of our nation's economic and climate policy is wrong and will, in eventuality, cripple our nation and its ability to survive.

Nations are more apt to be taken over from within, via economic collapse and so on. With millions out of work or underemployed, this is NO time to be passing an alleged "global climate" bill known as Cap and Trade, which, at its core, is simply a gigantic tax increase on the heart of the American economy, which is its people, whether consumers or small businesses.

Thousands of dollars out of the pockets of families and small businesses annually in the name of "climate change" is despicable. The earth has undergone warming and cooling phases throughout its long history, and to believe we, as humans, as tiny as we are on the grand scale of the universe, have the ability to do what has been alleged by our former Vice President and others, is simply unattainable.

With many (and the number is growing) scientific scholars and leaders questioning the supposed "global warming crisis" to its very core, Al Gore has now resorted to using veiled accusations which equate those who merely question "climate change" to Nazis. This is desperation to the worst degree.

Senator Webb, I implore you to stop spending my children's and my grandchildren's money and stop bleeding the American citizen dry financially by boldly standing up and voting NO to the Cap and Trade legislation. Make Virginia proud that you provide common sense, open-minded leadership, wishing to engage all sides in a discussion.

If we are, as our President has stated repeatedly, in the midst of the worst economy since the Great Depression, then a massive tax on American society would only enable us to surpass the horror of the 1930s economically.

Please vote NO. Thank you.

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