Sunday, May 10, 2009

Love you, too, Wanda......

From the needless White House Correspondents Association Dinner last night (click the title for some hateful comedy).....

Honest, couldn't this event have been cancelled to save some money for somebody? Keith Olbermann alone could contribute the amount of proceeds they give to "journalism students".....but then they'd all be forced to go to......wait, they're probably all ending up at left-wing nutjob college factories anyway.......

Wanda Sykes proves she is not a good comedian. Joe Klein had something to say about this on CNN this morning that I'll comment on in another post. She, along with gazillions of others, never fail to NOT PROPERLY USE RUSH LIMBAUGH'S QUOTE CORRECTLY. He wants America to succeed, and knows if Obama's policies succeed, our America will become an America we don't recognize, with less freedom than ever, ever before. (Get back to me when the government starts telling you what you have to put your thermostat on in your own house, or tax you for every mile you drive, rather than the current consumption tax on gasoline; you know, FIRST AMENDMENT FREEDOM issues....)

President's nice to know you think it's funny for someone you don't like to lose their kidney function.

But, even though I disagree with just about everything you've done and have proposed, I will continue to pray for you, as directed by the Good Word. And that includes your kidneys.

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