Friday, April 24, 2009

Remember the guys who Obama befriended last weekend?

Might want to check out their recently released "Declaration of Cumana".

You know, the Declaration that declares that capitalism is the root of all evil.

And we're going to TALK to these people and think we can PERSUADE them?

Between this, cap and trade, the Taliban 60 miles away from Islamabad, and the back door the government is taking to own some of our banks.....

Folks---this is NOT just left/right "usual politics", folks.

I have often wondered if the United States would survive my kids' lifetimes.... I'm worried.

1 comment:

  1. Frank4:00 PM

    Kids??? Heck, I wonder bout US!! We are soooo close to disaster right here, right now! Just wish folks would open their eyes and really SEE what is happening instead of relying on the complacency and "ahhh, it'll get better." mentality. Let's get real!
