Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I always pictured "Big Brother" as being older and gray......

....but the little Timmy that could just keeps on taking over American business.

Capitalism? What's that?!?! We have a crisis!!! We must do, do, do, act, act, act NOW!!!!

We have an absolutely SCARY person as Treasury Secretary with WAY MORE POWER than a Cabinet member should have.

But that's what happens when you elect the most liberal Senator in America President. BIG government gets BIGGER and BIGGER.

THOUGHT I HEARD TODAY: If the $4 Trillion Budget is supposed to jumpstart our economy, then wouldn't an $8 Trillion Budget do it either twice as fast, or, twice as well?

This just in---government spending NEVER equals prosperity.

And NOW with all this talk of "global economy" and "global currency", those of us who are Christians are most likely arching our necks north much moreso than we have in quite some time.

If you don't know why, go to Google and type in "Bible Last Days".

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