Saturday, March 21, 2009

Shhh!!!! Don't tell the world about his bowling joke.....

Let me be clear about the reason behind this post. I just cannot go to sleep without marking this one down.

1) President Obama made a verbal gaffe on The Tonight Show last night....from the Washington Post:

Then on to Leno, where he said that after practicing in the White House lanes, he recently bowled a 129, saying "it's like -- it was like Special Olympics or something." The crowd laughed.

2) Obama quickly apologized for his statement.

3) He called the head of the Special Olympics and apologized. Great move.

4) He's invited them to come over and have him shoot hoops with some Special Olympics athletes.

Sorry, that's called "create a photo op to make everyone forget the stupid thing you said". You already apologized, it should be over.


The REAL story. I went to multiple times, to, and to and well, sure was hard to find THAT story.

Thankfully, didn't make it its headline when I checked (it didn't need to be the top story), but I couldn't help but wonder.....

What if Sarah Palin had said that on Leno? Or President George W. Bush on Leno?

Imagine the outrage. Larry King would have had the head of Special Olympics on his show tonight to discuss how "insensitive" our ( ) is and how we all thought we as a nation had gone "past this".

Keith Olbermann's tanning bed skin would have molted in anger.


Ho hum, just another day in the media neighborhood.


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    "4) He's invited them to come over and have him shoot hoops with some Special Olympics athletes.

    Sorry, that's called "create a photo op to make everyone forget the stupid thing you said". You already apologized, it should be over."

    Actually it's called "making amends".

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Another example of the mainstreams use of "blinders" for certain occasions! I could not even find the comment for quite a while on the usual outlets. Oh well.
