Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Truman Papers.......

Since there are no sex scandals or 18 1/2 minute gaps, you won't see this in the headlines, but for history buffs, 24,000 pages of former First Lady Bess Truman's papers were released recently.

Click the title for the article. Surely this was the last "common" man with some good sense to be our nation's President.

And before you go nuts on me over our current President, my use of the word "common" is used under the connotation of someone who did not use power, money, "party influence", a family name, a Hollywood career, a father's huge fortune, or elements of the Chicago political machine to be President.

No "common" man or woman, under this definition, will ever be President again, thanks to all that being forever linked to the process of becoming the Chief Executive.

And that's a shame.

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