Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Well, I see the hate instantly went away.......

I thought with the Obama Administration's arrival, we were all told to be "at one" and "in unison".

Unless you hate George Bush. Or his dad. Or someone with a monument whose last name is Bush.

The funny part of the story? Read the description of the suspect in regards to the possible presence of paint.


  1. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Using this crackpot's actions to marginalize liberals isn't going to make you feel any better. What you need is a good hard cry.

  2. No cry necessary; indeed this is one of many examples of this type of behavior. Anyone who spent five minutes on CNN/Facebook yesterday knows there were people actually posting their hope and wish that former President Bush's helicopter would go down.

    That's unity? That's hope? No, that's just sick.

  3. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Well sure, but you do realize that events like this can stir up a lot of emotion. There's a reason he left office with a 22% approval rate.

  4. Anonymous8:13 PM

    And I guess the idiot rapper Jay Z's sick performance of pure @$#@$ is entertaining to Mr O and his family.

  5. "Events like this can stir up a lot of emotion?"

    Like wishing death on people?

    I can agree with a hearty shout of "you suck!" as the copter leaves town, but death?
