Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Aren't We Still the Nation of the Stars and Stripes??

Apparently not to one Obama celebrant last night. Good Lord.


  1. Anonymous5:04 AM

    "There" is a few places.

    There is back where we were before Bush messed everything up and left America on the brink.

    There is being in a position to truly show that we value life by allowing people to seek medical care without fear of financial ruin.

    There is where we can all be proud of America because we're not doing Godless things like torture, and carrying out needless wars just so billionaires can profit from the destruction and nation-building.

    And we'll get "there", with or without your help.

  2. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Please tell me where "there" is? I am a little worried that it might be a place call hell!
