Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I'm White, But Have A Question......

Quite a few of my friends and neighbors growing up were black.

Big deal. I never once thought to myself, "How black do I have to be to be accepted by them?"

So, having ZERO experience understanding this apparent dynamic, I ask Jesse Jackson and his friends.......

"How black does Barack Obama have to be to be an "acceptable black" candidate? Or person, for that matter?"

His off-color comment about Obama was childish (not knowing a "mic was live" is no excuse for a man who's made a living talking into microphones), but the whole "talking down to black people" thing.

Telling men to be fathers. That's not talking down, that's just speaking the truth.

I wonder out loud when Bill Cosby went into the "not black enough" category by raising the same issues??

We'll never be a colorblind world until EVERYONE stops looking through their "insert color here" colored glasses.


  1. Anonymous7:22 AM

    If they x rayed Jessie's brain, they would find out that it was actually the size of.......a nut!

  2. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Obama's not black enough for some
    Americans because he has dignity.

  3. I think Bill Cosby should run for president.
