Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I've had new jobs, but I've never been the first person ever to hold a position with a company before. It brings its own set of challenges, exciting mind you, but still challenging!

So, these past several days have been spent doing the following:

1) Getting settled at Robinson Radio! Getting to know the clients, new contacts, get my brain around the current systems and what efficiencies are needed to better them (as well as me!!) It's fun and NOT boring, that's for sure! I don't know what's coming from day to day, and that's cool by me.

2) The end of the school year! Robbie was ready to get out of school in, well, at Christmas Break. Rachel, meanwhile, ended her elementary school years last Friday, called me at the office crying, which made me cry, and she is ALREADY bored. And there's 10 1/2 weeks of summer vacation left! Go ahead, sing the Phineas and Ferb theme song now if you'd like......

She's missing her friends more this year than ever, and I think it has to do with going up to middle school next year. I also think the struggles I had for months losing my friend connections at Clear Channel had somewhat of an effect on her, too. Mom told her, "It's part of life, get over it." Rachel answered, "I'm like my Dad, and I can't just get over it." I'm proud of her. If you "get over" being with a friend hours a day, five days a week in a quick manner, it makes me wonder if you really, really enjoyed being around them in the first place, or if they were just "convenient friends". Know what I mean?

3) Sleep. Need I say more?

4) ANOTHER PET!!!! Starbuck Rock Witham, a new teeny-tiny Siamese Kitten entered the Witham Nation over the weekend. I come home from work this evening, and he's in my recliner. He's already taking over. :)


Then there's all the news and events I've been REALLY wanting to blog about, but didn't have time!!!

---The Death of Tim Russert: I heard the news from Sean Hannity on his radio show on an Internet stream, who actually announced it before it was posted on, by about two to three minutes. Many "TV Heads" were right in saying the tributes to Russert got to be a bit much after awhile. I could understand NBC's coverage Friday afternoon/evening, and their prime time special was well done. I also understood Sunday's Meet The Press (wow, what a moving show!) and today's funeral coverage. But there was lots more than that, and it was somewhat overboard. I think part of it was because NBC News was so stunned, they didn't know what else to do at that moment, and subconsciously used coverage to help cope. Though the coverage was too saturated over the weekend, I can't fault their emotional state.

And I'm SURE if Tim Russert were here to see it, he would've put a stop to it about four minutes after the death announcement. What a shame that a man who loved politics and Presidential years (especially this one) won't be able to cover the November election.

---OIL!!!! I love the ignorant Democratic mantra:

"Even if we start drilling today, it wouldn't affect the price of gas for five to ten years."

Okay, then. You then admit had we started drilling TEN YEARS AGO, our prices would be LOWER today!

Are there Republicans in bed with oil? I'm sure. But Democratic thinking on this issue simply boggles the mind. They want conservation! It'll bring price relief quicker!

Good Lord, AL GORE's electric usage doesn't hold water!

So, why is it that we, Americans, you know, the innovators, the hard-working people of the world, for some reason, according to "insert politician name here", can't go after:

---New Oil Drilling Offshore AND in Anwr
---AND, AND create new energy sources!! More nuclear plants, more wind energy, more solar energy.

Why don't we, as Americans, go for it all!!! We settled the land, won our independence, got to the moon, got the nuclear bomb first before Hitler (imagine had he gotten it first)......we can do it all!

If the idiots who clog up our 6:30 newscasts would just get out of the way and shut up.

WHEW! There's other stuff in the world to discuss, but I'm all oiled out for now. Back soon. Sooner than 10 days. Honest!

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