Wednesday, June 25, 2008

CBS6/Fox Richmond Sale Update: "Carma" is a wink-wink LLC....., basically, Sinclair owns two TV stations in Richmond, isn't suppose to, but uses a loophole. I must admit chuckling to myself with some disdain regarding the comments of Sinclair's CFO David Amy.....

....kinda like when your kid has chocolate around his mouth and when you ask if he ate the chocolate chip cookies, he answers, "I dunno....", and shrugs his shoulders at the appropriate time.

When asked about Carma, he said,

"'I don't know where they're located," Amy said of Carma. "They're a [limited liability company] in Virginia. As far as their address, I don't have their address."

In fact, forms filed with the State Corporation Commission list Carma's address as 1925 Westmoreland St., the same address for WRLH. A search of the FCC database did not yield any information on Carma.

WRLH General Manager Steven Genett is on vacation and could not be contacted for this story."


You know, kinda like, "I just sold my car!" "Who bought it?", the neighbor asks. "I dunno!", you reply.

Read the details here, and kudos to the Times-Dispatch for digging into the story to discover that the "Carma" in this story just didn't feel right.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:13 PM

    I think we all know where the TD stands on media consolidation- its fine as long as Media General is the corporation doing it.
