Thursday, October 06, 2005

While saddened, there are others.....

If you've followed news this past week or so, especially Greta on Fox News, you no doubt have heard of VCU freshman Taylor Behl, missing since Labor Day.

Sadly, a body was found yesterday in a shallow grave in Matthews County, some two hours from Richmond, and it was identified as her today. Certainly this is not the closure anyone would want.

I'm truly saddened for the family, and want officials to get the perpetrator, try, convict, then execute them. (She's not able to live, why should he/she??)


There are also other missing kids.

For example, go here for more on another Richmond teen missing since September 18th.

Yes, this may be a "skip town to meet someone met on line" deal, and maybe not.

My point is....look at her description.

Now, I'm NOT the first person to cry bigotry, have no respect for the "Jesse & Sharpton" wing of the African-American community, and strongly believe conservatism is the political way to truly empower all people, no matter from what background, to work hard, be rewarded, and either get out of poverty or simply do better than what your parents did, so your children are poised to do the same.

But Monica is short, overweight....and African-American.

And I'm sorry, but something's just not quite right. So, the next time news breaks about someone missing, tell me if it fits the profile of young Caucasian woman. Then check the police web site of that locality to see if others are reported missing.

In my supermarket each morning, I pass a "missing" sign for both of these children. Taylor's fate is now known. Monica's is not. And, also, Monica's case should be known by the community as well as Taylor's was. Go to Yahoo! and search Monica's name under news, and the most updated article about her was September 23rd.

Am I claiming conspiracy? Absolutely not. Profiling? Doubt it very, very seriously. But in our saturated 24-hour news society, the basic need is no longer "inform the public", it's "fill the time and get ratings". Pretty young women suddenly disappearing can make for good stories. But why didn't Monica's?

Do I say all this to cheapen the Taylor Behls and Natalee Holloways of the world??


I'm just looking for all of God's people to be looked upon equally, whether white, black, Hispanic, male, female, straight, gay, tall, short, fat (like me), skinny, physically or mentally challenged....

....and it takes individuals thinking rather than using subconscious filters to do so successfully.

God bless Taylor's family, and I pray Monica comes home soon.

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