2011 can end anytime now.
My brother's family lost their "puppy" this morning when Mortimer was killed by a vehicle. Apparently he and another of their dogs dug a tunnel underneath their fence, got out, and Mortimer headed straight for the road. It's a busy highway. Thankfully, he didn't suffer. He was barely a year old.
Last weekend when we were in Carolina we marveled at the fact that he had gotten SO BIG. Definitely had some Great Dane in him. Of course, he still thought he was a puppy, so he thought he could sit in everyone's lap, although he was HUGE. That didn't matter! LOL.....
He was so playful, so innocent. Gone way, way too soon.
Then, this evening, Rachel headed to piano practice and learns that our piano teacher's awesome dog, Ladybug, had to be put down a few days ago. Dementia. She was 16 and enjoyed a long, wonderful life, and we're grateful for that. But it won't be the same coming down the long driveway to Ms. Ann's house and not see Ladybug hanging around the house. We knew she was hard of hearing and didn't move around too well, so we were always careful coming and going......
Mortimer and Ladybug. Rest in peace, and make sure to meet up and swap Rachel stories. Just don't talk to Katie Pickles. She only has memories of a young, curly-mopped Rachel pulling her tail all the time...... :)
Only 1/3 of the year done and I've experienced all the death I care to experience for this year, next year, and many more. Add to that digging out of the huge hole of long-term unemployment, daily health battles, a sputtering economy, $4/gallon gas, overseas unrest.....
But I need to focus on that which I'm thankful.
--I'm thankful for MY NEW JOB! And the WONDERFUL co-workers I now enjoy daily. They make me smile. :)
--I'm thankful that my home is intact after watching the devastation in North Carolina two weeks ago, Alabama yesterday, and elsewhere this month.
--I'm thankful my son turns 19 tomorrow healthy, employed, and getting closer to beginning to get his chance to realize his dream.
--I'm thankful my daughter is on the Honor Roll and is doing so well with violin and piano. Her first dance is tomorrow night. Pics will be posted.
--I'm thankful my dog Harry is, well, Harry. I love him dearly. I'm beginning to better understand why my Mama used to be so attached to her dog, Teddy.
--I'm thankful that it looks like our Patrick Henry games will be heard on the FM dial this fall.
--And....I'm thankful my wife doesn't charge me more a month to live here. :)